technical provisions

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网络  技术条款; 准备金; 技术供应; 技术准备金; 法定准备金



  1. Those that need technical appraisal shall be submitted for appraisal pursuant to Article 101 of the present Provisions;
  2. Section technical advice, training, the letter from the service, computer typing, photocopying services, sugar, tobacco, bottled wine, daily provisions retail.
  3. Bidder should furnish specific value of the equipment and summit an item-by-item commentary on the Technical Specifications and indicate the deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications. Calculation of the optical path difference and fringe location in polarization interference imaging spectrometer
  4. Article Six The assessment and appointment of medical professional and technical titles and posts shall be in accordance with relevant provisions of the state.
  5. This technical assistance tool, called MPOWER, consists of six proven policy measures reflecting one or more provisions of the treaty.
  6. The following procedures shall apply to technical expert groups established in accordance with the provisions of Article 14.
  7. This paper describes the compiling background, main content and research on important technical problems, and explains the mandatory provisions in detail.
  8. During the implementation of such standards, specifications and technical documents, stricter provisions shall prevail in case of conflict.
  9. Furthermore the Employer has provided additional technical provisions in order to ensure the standard and quality of the construction.
  10. New technical requirements of new drug in the registration provisions in China
  11. The application of measurement and monitoring in the underground engineering is introduced in such aspects as the measurement and monitoring's relevant technical provisions, common methods, measurement plans, analysis and feedback of measurement data.
  12. Technical Study on Execution of Compulsory Provisions in Technical Code for Ground Treatment of Buildings
  13. The permit should conform to related technical specification and compulsory provisions, and to Urban and Rural Planning Act and legal procedures.
  14. Therefore, our "high-rise building of concrete structures technical spe-cification" requirements on short-pier shear wall structure are more strictly than the average wall, these provisions allow the use of small high-rise residential short-pier shear wall structure should reflect the economic performance.
  15. The drinking water reserves division technical specifications has both qualitative and quantitative put forward some partition methods for determining the dividing method and scope of the water reserves, and it also made some provisions differentiate limits for the reserve.
  16. The technical specification for concrete structures of tall building ( JGJ3-2002) makes a number of provisions for this trend and requirement.
  17. Finally, the internal technical provisions also exist many problems, including the establishment of technology and counts the penalty set up technology.
  18. For the current clause of "Soil and Water Conservation Program Technical Specifications for Development and Construction Project", the relevant provisions of operability is not strong. Soil and water conservation monitoring is currently prevalent monitoring sites which are laid unreasonably.
  19. This will be part of local economic legislation as technical issues into local economic legislation and the names of local economic legislation specific provisions design problems.
  20. However, WTO/ TBT-SPS framework of technical barriers to trade on the use of exceptions and special provisions, technical barriers to international trade, become the most important and most widely used tool for trade protection.
  21. The technical standard drives at the common provisions of repeated technical proceedings in certain scope; basing comprehensive achievements of the science, the technique and the practical experience, it plays an increasingly important part in social production.
  22. Therefore, rather than arbitrary denial, it is better to choose the abandoned, the efficiency of economic and technical analysis as a default method, by way of breach of contract and the intensity of accountability provisions to address these issues outside of moral value judgments.
  23. The author answered in this part of the cited technical reasons, it could play a simplified criminal law provisions, the provisions of the Penal Code coordination role.